Garage Insulation for your upper bedrooms or your man den

Arctic Clad Foil Aerospace insulation for Garage Installations

Garage Insulation

Warm up your Garage and Cool it in Summer

Most of our garages are not insulated but if you work or use your garage as the “Man Den” or even have a heater in the garage then Arctic Shield is for you. Warm up your Garage and cool it in summer; all you have to do is have your garage doors insulated by Arctic Clad.

This is a very inexpensive way of saving you money; we all have entrances to our homes from the garage. Each time we open this entrance we feel a rush of cold or hot air, each time this happens we lose a considerable amount of air that we are paying to condition. Insulate with Arctic Clad and feel the difference.

Call for a free estimate today!


Single wide garage door insulated

Single wide garage door insulated

Insulated Garage doors

Insulated Garage doors with Arctic Clad reflective Insulation





Does your home have bedrooms above your Garage?
Some styles of homes have either 2 bedrooms above or the master bedroom if this is your home, there is a solution. Arctic Shield can be used to insulate the ceiling above your garage and is very effective in warming those floors up. There is multiple ways of insulating your garage besides the doors, give us a call for a fee estimate.

Bubble Wrap vrs. Arctic Clad

All insulation needs airspace and you can head down to your local building supply store and pick up some bubble wrap insulation to place on to your garage doors.

Yes this works but it is not overly effective!

Bubble wrap is comprised of a reflective material and places plastic bubbles on the other side to give it air.  These bubbles can pop with normal wear and tear and if you ask any child that sees it they love the sound of popping these bubbles. This reduces the effectiveness of this product, and this product is made of plastic which is not recyclable.

Bubble wrap is used in the sun visors we place in our windshield to hold the heat out of our cars and trucks, have you ever noticed how hot this material becomes when sitting there for an hour? It gets very hot to the touch, with Arctic Clad you can place it under temperatures up to 150 degrees Celsius  and it will be cool to the touch. See our resources page for the video.

With Arctic Clad there are no bubbles to pop and uses the airspace in the actual construction of your garage doors to create an airspace. Arctic Clad is made of two layers of 99.5% highly polished aluminum and contains a high tensile mesh with perforations to give this product not only strength but a natural airspace. Arctic Clad is tough we encourage people to try to rip or tear the product.

This results in a product that will last the life of the home and never need to be replaces.

Call today for an inexpensive way to reduce the cold or heat in your garage!


Recently we completed an installation of Arctic Clad in our garage, in summer I was constantly hearing from my family that they did not like entering the garage to get anything except when they wanted to use “the car”. After installing Arctic Clad in our garage we noticed a huge improvement and now can feel comfortable going into the garage to get things besides the car in any weather.

Thank you Arctic Clad